Reflection questions for your blog posts

1.    What has been the most effective use of your time? What is the least effective?

2.    What did you learn during research this week that was interesting but not directly related to your topic?

3.    Have you done anything new or beyond your comfort zone yet? If yes, what was it? How did it feel? If no, why not?

4.    What is the most challenging part of this project for you?

5.    What are the strategies, skills and procedures you are using for this assignment? Are they effective?

6.    Do you see any patterns in how you approach your work – such as following an outline, keeping to deadlines?

7.    What gets in the way of your research or learning?

8.    How can you best use your strengths to improve?

9.    What steps should you take or resources should you use to meet your challenges?

10. How can you adapt this content or the skills you are learning to make a difference in my life?

11. In what area do you feel you have made your biggest improvements so far?

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